Looking for something new and fun? JOIN US in our FREE CONTEST!! PET PHOTO CONTESTS PET VIDEO CONTESTS PET STORY CONTESTS We need your best and brightest pets for our PET Universities!!!
TEACHER'S PET CLUB JUST SEND AN E-MAIL TO ROVER@PET-DEGREE.COM with your FAVORITE pet photo (OPTIONAL: story/video) AND SAY �I WANT TO JOIN THE TEACHER'S PET CLUBTM AND PET CONTEST!�. We will send you�re the legal releases to participate. � DEAD LINE NOVEMBER 15, 2010.
WORKIN' LIKE A DOG PET CLUB JUST AN E-MAIL TO ROVER@PET-DEGREE.COM with your best favorite photo (optional: story/video) and say �I WANT TO JOIN THE Workin' like a dog PET CLUBTM and pet contest!�. We will send you�re the legal releases to participate. � DEAD LINE NOVEMBER 15, 2010.
JUST AN E-MAIL TO ROVER@PET-DEGREE.COM with your best favorite photo (optional: story/video) and say �I WANT TO JOIN THE IN the dog house - PET CLUBTM and pet contest!�. We will send you�re the legal releases to participate. � DEAD LINE NOVEMBER 15, 2010.
PET CLUB FOR SENIORS (AND THE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY) JUST AN E-MAIL TO ROVER@PET-DEGREE.COM with your best favorite photo (optional: story/video) and say �I WANT TO JOIN THE PET CLUB for seniorsTM and pet contest!�. We will send you�re the legal releases to participate. � DEAD LINE NOVEMBER 15, 2010. |